Why didn’t we hit goal?
The end of a year is a great time to reflect. How far have we gone over the year? Did we hit our goals? If not, what kept us from achieving them? In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher describes a process that engages employees in reflective conversations to keep our organizations moving in the right direction.
This episode answers questions such as:
- How can we give our team members a chance to meaningfully contribute in reflective discussions?
- Why is this process a non-threatening way to gain insight from employees?
- How can we use reflections in our one on one monthly meetings?
Featured Episode Resources
When we engage our team members in goal setting, reviewing results, taking actions for improvement, and celebrating wins, employees are engaged and productive. Engaged employees want to provide useful input and feedback. Using the plus/delta process with our team engages employees in conversation that validates their feedback and ideas.
Plus/Delta: Leadership Challenge
Plus/Delta is a formative assessment process that asks team members what worked well and what could be adjusted for improvement. The following exercise is designed to provide teams with an opportunity to brainstorm strategies for improving a situation, process, or event. Consider incorporating this plus/delta process into your next team meeting, allowing appropriate time for discussion.
Plus/Delta Process
A Plus/Delta is a process improvement tool used to gather information from individuals or teams about what is working well or what could be improved about a situation, process, or event. It is intended to be a quick reflection process that provides important data for action.
Monthly Meetings
Are your organizational leaders investing consistent time to meet with employees? Feeling supported in our goals has a significant impact on our ability to achieve them. The way leaders guide their team members towards achieving their aims drives the level of desire to do excellent work with true confidence. A recent study shows more than half (53 percent) of working Americans are likely to plan to leave their organization within a year due to mistrust in supervisors.
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