Pewaukee School District is committed to providing every student with access to a high quality education. Over the last few years, the district of 2,584 students has diligently worked to adopt an inclusion model for delivery of special education services.  

During our annual What’s Right in Education conference, Superintendent Michael Cady and Director of Student Services Anthony Strancke described the success of their “journey to full inclusion.” In this presentation, we hear from these two leaders, along with staff and students who are positively impacted by the district’s inclusion practices.  


As one PSD student explains, co-teaching environment and targeted accommodations has “leveled out the playing field” and creates a sense of independence in the learning process. Intentionally listening to teachers and staff as they form teaching teams to provide accommodations for each student is a key to co-teaching and inclusion success in this district.  

The practice of listening is also reflected in the way teaching teams meet individual student needs. Teachers in PSD have adopted flexible seating arrangements, morning meetings and opportunities for students and staff to share and celebrate wins throughout the week.  


Leaders in PSD are committed to ensuring lasting success of their inclusion model. Teachers and staff engage in ongoing professional development to model successful strategies and share stories of success. As you review Pewaukee’s presentation, consider your district’s inclusion practices and the results you’re achieving for all students.   

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