Develop clear systems to focus on solid execution.
How can our teams reach the goals we set out to accomplish? What does it mean for our teams to be successful? Using the right metrics to track progress and engaging in conversations to problem-solve are keys to helping us get there. In this episode, listen as our host Janet Pilcher discusses tools and tactics to help our teams reach our goals and be successful.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- How do we apply a system to continuously review our progress?
- What are the key ingredients for implementing a short cycle improvement process?
- What questions can we ask our teams to help reach our goals?
Featured Episode Resources
Return to Learn Toolkit: Organizational Excellence Execution and Improvement
These times call for leaders to be aligned and tight in their approaches to manage uncertainties and change. Now, more than ever, we need to attend to our core business: ensuring that students have every opportunity to learn and succeed.
90 Day Action Plan for Improvement
Effective leaders have effective teams. Being successful with teams means the leader has a relationship with the team. This relationship is supported by having the team engaged in meaningful work that will support the success of the organization. Teams want to be able to participate in supporting achievement of the goals and priorities of the oorganization.
Keeping Score: What Can We Learn from Using Our Scorecards and Short Improvement Cycles?
When we want to accomplish something as a team, what do we need to know to be successful? What are the best metrics to track progress and make improvements? In this roundtable, Dr. Janet Pilcher shared tools and tactics for short cycle improvement and scorecard alignment.
Building Trust with New Teams
As the pace of change continues to increase, the demand on individuals and teams to become more agile is higher than ever. For organizations to successfully respond to changes in their external or internal environments, teams are often created, restructured, or eliminated. Whether you have a mixture of new and old team members or a completely new set of people working together, it’s critical to build trust as a team before goals can be accomplished together.
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Connect with Coaches and Guests
The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
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