We can’t generalize the word micromanage.

When we think of micromanaging, we typically think of it as a negative thing. But the reality is, extra supervision and coaching are sometimes necessary before some individuals are ready to leave the nest. In today’s episode, Quint Studer and Janet dive into the topic—discussing what micromanaging is, when it’s necessary, and how leaders can communicate effectively with employees who may need extra support and supervision.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we have productive conversations with our supervisor if we feel micromanaged?
  • Why is micromanaging not always a bad thing?
  • What can leaders do to help employees feel supported, not micromanaged?

Featured Episode Resources

Challenge your high performers (then step away).

How often do you push employees out of the nest and let them really test their leadership wings? If you’re like a lot of leaders, you may be reluctant to give people too much responsibility—especially when the stakes are high. Even if you’re not typically a micromanager, you may not be inclined to put people in situations where they might fail.

Low Solid Performer Support

Solid performers compose about 58% of the employees on our teams. The low solid performer is about 25% of the staff. Low solid performers are important to the organization. These employees are usually loyal, have good attendance, and have the desire to be successful. The leader’s job is to provide them with direction and support to improve. This group of employees do not know what they do not know.

Leader Connection Questions

The highest performing leaders are able to make the best decisions when they have solid and trusting relationships with others. To build trusting relationships, leaders regularly converse with employees about their work and transparently take action, showing employees they are valued. When combined with effective follow-up by leaders, this practice of checking in with employees also increases engagement and leads to improved outcomes across the organization.

High Solid Performer Support

Who Are High Solid Performers? While, this group positively contributes to overall results, they benefit greatly from specific coaching and support relevant to their performance level. High solid performers want to build relationships with their leaders, have opportunities for professional development, and hear feedback that inspires improvement.

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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.

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