Keeping renters around drains energy and productivity.

This week, Dr. Pilcher discusses being an owner versus a renter. Pride in our organizations occurs when we take ownership of our roles, cultivating a positive environment so strong, it is no longer susceptible to negativity. This episode addresses questions, such as: 

  • What do leaders who take ownership look like? 
  • How can leaders create an environment that promotes ownership? 
  • How can you confront renter behavior? 

Related Resources

Be An Owner

Owners have an innate sense of responsibility and accountability to the core mission of an organization. Owners care always and connect their personal identity and worth to the work of the organization. Ownership is more than employee “buy-in” or lack of resistance when change or barriers bring stress. If you own your organization as an employee, you are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish goals.

Ownership of Organizational Goals

There is plenty of advice on how executive leaders can best lead and how employees can strive to become high-performers. An employee less commonly acknowledged is the mid-level leader, yet you might be surprised to know this role is the most important position one can have in an organization. The mid-level leader's ultimate responsibility is to ensure the strategic goals are implemented with fidelity by the teams they manage.

Take Ownership of Your Actions by Taking Responsibility

Are you stalled in a project at work, waiting on someone else to take initiative to get things moving? Are you in a broken professional relationship - with a manager, coworker, or employee - hoping the other person assumes blame and fixes the issue?

Low Performer Conversation

Address a pattern of bad behavior. Ignoring poor performance affects the team, the leader, customers or clients, and the organization as a whole. Even postponing performance conversations can cause damage to the team and organization. High and middle/solid performers notice sub-par performers aren't keeping up and can become frustrated, sometimes to the point that they will choose to leave the organization.



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