We remember, rebuild and come back stronger.

The northern gulf coast is home to millions of residents who are no strangers to natural disasters. Today, Dr. Janet Pilcher reflects on our education partners who have suffered tremendous damage due to Hurricane Ida. The storm has brought major loss to the students, employees, and community members of Fletcher Technical Community College and Nunez Community College in southeastern Louisiana.

Should you feel moved to do so, here are some ways to donate to support the students of these two institutions. Students and families in these communities are in great need.

Nunez Community College

Fletcher Community College

  • Cash Donations
  • Donate any of the following items: canned food, baby wipes, diapers, baby formula, water, soap, shampoo, toiletries, cleaning supplies, pet food or via the College’s Amazon wish list.

You may coordinate your Amazon wish list donations or item donations through the foundation office by sending them to the following address if ordered within the next week or by calling (225) 324-6654.

Attention Fletcher Technical College Ida Relief Fund / VC Dr. LeBouef
15243 Lockett Lane
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Thank you on behalf of Huron | Studer Education for your consideration and support of our friends, students and families at Fletcher and Nunez.

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