It all comes back to values.
Quint Studer has joined us as a guest on our podcast throughout 2020, sharing his stories and experiences from his career that we can learn and grow from. In this episode, we have collected highlights from these interviews and we revisit some of Quint’s top tips and advice for leaders who want to be their best.
This episode answers questions such as:
- What is really getting in our way?
- How can we build the courage it takes to make decisions that stem from character, not comfort?
- What driving factor can help take us across the finish line when leading change?
You can hear more from Quint at our upcoming 2-day virtual conference, Destination High Performance Pensacola 2020. Day 1 will focus on leadership tips, tools and considerations, and Day 2 will focus on building a vibrant community. The event is scheduled for October 28th and 29th. Register for free now.
Featured Episode Resources
Notice What's Right
When you reflect on your last meal at a restaurant or the hotel you last stayed in, what comes to mind first? Is it a positive part of your experience or is it a negative part of your experience? For many of us, a negative experience will be the first thing we remember because of negativity bias.
To Increase Motivation Show More Apprecation
We often hear leaders ask, "How can I keep people motivated?" The truth is, we can't make people feel motivated, but we can create an environment that motivates and engages employees. People are more likely to be motivated about their work when they are appreciated for the work that they do.
Courageous Conversations
An important way to inspire your team is to give and receive feedback. Many hear the word ‘feedback’ and automatically think about criticism and negative feelings. Giving and receiving feedback is often referred to as difficult or uncomfortable. The truth is, giving feedback means you care.
Deal with Problems
Have you identified the problem people in your organization? Are there individuals who are low performing and reinforce silos infecting your departments? Dr. Natalie Harder, Chancellor of South Louisianna Community College, reveals the hard truth around why leaders avoid dealing with low performers and the consequences of tolerating their behavior.
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Connect with Coaches and Guests
The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
Explore our upcoming events:
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