Most people don’t go with their heart.
How did Quint advance his career from a High School Special Education Teacher to a Hospital President to a Founder and CEO? In this episode, we continue Quint Studer’s story from episode #122 and hear about one of his major life transitions– a key moment when he took a risk and followed his heart. Listen as Quint and Janet discuss the part of his journey that fueled the creation for some of his greatest accomplishments.
This episode addresses questions such as:
- How can we navigate our careers by following our heart?
- Why are training and development so critical to an organization’s culture?
- Who should superintendents focus on hiring?
Featured Episode Resources
Quint Studer Biography
Quint Studer is a lifelong student of leadership. He is a businessman, a visionary, an entrepreneur, and a mentor to many. He has worked with individuals at all levels of leadership and across a variety of industries to help them become better leaders and create high-performing organizations.
Map Your Career Ambitions
Do you find there are a lack of formal development opportunities at your organization? You’re not alone. 40% of organizations admit they rarely or never provide career planning or development and 46% of employees don’t think their leadership skills are being developed. Research tells us professional development and career growth opportunities are crucial to employees.
Quint Studer is The Man With a Vision
Quint Studer wants to make Pensacola the best it can be Less than a decade ago,the corner of Palafox and Main in downtown Pensacola was home to two vacant buildings and two overgrown lots. Today the corners are filled with bustling businesses that employ about 150 people.
Navigating Career Phases
High performers are accustomed to evolving to meet the demands of environmental changes. Internal and external factors can create the need to immediately pivot an approach or set direction. We are able to better navigate changes that occur over the course of our career when we understand our current position and reach out for support to get us to the next phase.
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Connect with Coaches and Guests
The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
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