Don’t underestimate the power of connection and self-care.
EP19: Overcoming Overwhelm as a Parent
Most children can relate to feeling stressed or overwhelmed at some point in school, and amid a pandemic, parents are experiencing these exact feelings. In the previous episode, our social worker friend who works with students joined us to share tips for parents looking to coach their kids through tough moments. In this episode, Robin Matarazzo returns to share tips for parents who are feeling overwhelmed as they try to support their child’s learning. Listen as Robin discusses ways parents can overcome overwhelm.
The Resources
Talking to your child about school has countless benefits. In this session, we’ll unpack a few ways to talk to your child about their school and learning experiences. We’ll challenge you to use one of the strategies to talk to your child and update us on your experience.
Working, parenting, and coaching the learning are all full-time responsibilities. Like many parents, you might have feelings of guilt about not being as available during the school day as you would like to be. Even if your child is at the kitchen table while you sit at a computer in the next room, you probably can’t jump up and answer every question. You’re not alone AND you don’t have to feel guilty.
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