Sustain rural America through education, collaboration, and leadership development.

Rural communities are inspiring places to live – people are always there to lend a hand and support one another through challenges and disasters. Rural communities also face unique challenges – the outmigration of talented workers, aging infrastructures, and consolidation into larger, less local systems. A Huron senior director, Tad Hunt, who oversees the rural and critical access segment, discusses with Janet how we can collaborate to overcome the challenges facing rural America, ultimately creating stronger communities for people to live and work.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • In what ways do education and healthcare have the greatest opportunities to work together to strengthen the community?
  • What makes rural communities unique?
  • What best practices support cross-community collaboration?

Featured Episode Resources

change in rural america9P | ANTICIPATING CHANGE

Most of us recognize the difference between leading and managing change. While both are necessary to successfully operate in or implement change, leading change involves an element of anticipation. Anticipating change means leaders have enough foresight and information to know what is likely to happen, strategize, and guide the larger team to success.

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When you begin thinking about corporate social responsibility and the impact your organization has on society or the environment, focus on what will be most meaningful and relevant to your customers, employees and partners. CSR shouldn’t be seen as a quick-fix, it’s a long-term initiative authentically tied to the core values of the organization.

collaboration in crisis


Times of crisis can bring out the best or the worst in people and organizations. How successfully we navigate disruption will depend on our preparation, response and ability to solve problems. Although the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer new to us, we have an opportunity to garner lessons from this crisis to help us better prepare for future disruptions.

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strengthen board relationships9P | BUILD STRONG BOARD RELATIONSHIPS

Private and public boards are complex in nature, but all share the common theme of bringing people from different organizations and backgrounds together for a mutual purpose. Whether that purpose is to serve the community or a publicly-traded organization, a board must function as a unit. Bringing highly successful people together and expecting an easily collaborative relationship may be tougher than expected.

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