This month, Studer Education and TeacherReady highlight Reward and Recognition.

A few years ago, we provided three examples: one great school, one great teacher, and one great pre-service teacher program. While education and reward systems might change, continuously, the basics stay the same.

We thought that this month was a great time to celebrate these models of Reward and Recognition practices:

One Great School.CelebrateDifference

The Henderson Inclusion School (MA) motto is “We’re better together.” Principal Patricia Lampron says, “We celebrate the fact that we’re all different.” Check out this great school.

One Great “Truly Amazing Teacher.”

Mr. Wright, Louisville Male High School (KY). Check out jiggle17’s comment about Mr. Wright, the teacher in the video below, on the video’s YouTube page: “This man just gave me a HUGE dose of perspective. I just went and told my grandmother I loved her… thank you for existing as you do ” This is why teachers matter. Be a great teacher like Mr. Wright.

One Great Pre-Service Teacher Program.


Three years ago, TeacherReady® delivered its first alumni newsletter to offer its new early career teachers and established teachers updates, opportunities, and advice. Since that time, TeacherReady® current student, alumni, and teacher leaders get their education updates and best practices from a multitude of TeacherReady® Tools:

What makes TeacherReady® a great program? The curriculum is developed for teachers by teachers and is grounded in practical and research-based teaching strategies that place student engagement at the forefront of learning.

Can you tell us about a great school, great teacher, or great program? Share it with our readers, below.


Our mission at Studer Education and TeacherReady® is to provide students with a great place to learn, teachers with a great place to teach, and parents with a great place to send their children for a quality education.

Studer Education is a division of Studer Group, ranked for the sixth straight year on the Best Small and Medium Workplaces by Great Place to Work® and a recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Filed under: Reward and Recognition, Teacher Certification Tagged: Alumni Newsletter, Effective Teaching, Great Schools, Henderson Inclusion School, Louisville Male High School, StayReady, Teacher Leaders, TeacherReady

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organizational excellenceRounding with teachers has great outcomes