Think about the long term, but focus on the short term.

As we all began to experience the COVID 19 pandemic, Dr. Natalie Harder and her team at South Louisiana Community College sprang into action. SLCC was able to have 95% of their courses online and ready for students within 48 hours and enabled 90% of their staff to work remotely within 24 hours. Natalie joins us on the podcast this week to discuss how her team was able to make the necessary shifts to support students and staff in the most efficient way.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What helped make the transition to online work and instruction successful?
  • How did people come together while transitioning to virtual work?
  • What effect do values and culture have on leading in times of uncertainty?

Related Resources

Use Standards of Service Excellence

An organization’s reputation is preceded by its level of service. We’ve found that when organizations establish and hold each other accountable to standards of service excellence, a culture of high performance is fostered. High performers attract high performers.

Leadership Challenge: Leader Connection

Complete the Leadership Challenge below to guide a leader connection conversation. Record employee responses in the space provided. Then, make leader connections part of your practice. Outline how you will follow up on information gathered during the conversation and schedule your next leader connection. Reflect on the experience.

Why Do Values Matter?

Values set an organization apart. They clearly communicate the organization's purpose, while serving as anchors for employees and customers to continuously connect to that purpose. Taking the time to define values reinforces understanding and preserves the organization's unique identity. Maintaining values often comes at a price.

Key Words at Key Times At a Glance

Using key words at key times means saying the right thing, to the right person, at the right time. This practice helps us communicate effectively with colleagues and the people we lead. Why do we use Key Words at Key Times?



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