You have to build the flywheel before it can spin.

The work of improvement creates the backbone for real change where it matters. Focus on continuous improvement yields valuable results and radically changes outcomes in a number of fields, but in education, momentum has struggled. In the words of today’s guest, the education field hasn’t hardwired the deep skillset of improvement and we have more work to do. In this episode, Dr. Pat Greco joins us to continue the conversation around improving school systems and organizations so leaders can accelerate results and sustain success over time.

Pat will also share about the chapter she contributed to in Tony Bryk’s book, Improvement in Action.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What are the most important measures to look at when it comes to improvement work, and why?
  • What tools or tactics can have the greatest impact when it comes to transforming a struggling organization?
  • How can leaders improve their organizations despite resistance from other executives or members of their community?

Related Resources

Plan Do Study Act

Plan, Do, Study, Act, or PDSA is a 4 stage model used to test and implement system-wide improvement. The PDSA model supports organizations that strive for continuous improvement. Organizations that practice continuous improvement are always searching to improve and want to be consistently more successful than they were in the past.

Are We Just Documenting or Improving Processes?

In the book, Maximize Performance we learn, "Good processes should help leaders achieve the organizational and departmental goals they are accountable for." However, in our work we see that many organizations fall short of implementing the right processes and improving them properly.

Implementing PDSA Cycles

To continuously improve, organizations and teams need to implement cycles of examining data and planning for future actions. In this video, an Elementary School Principal discusses how his school has created a transparent system using data to ensure students are getting the support they need.

Keep The Complex Simple

What do We Really Need? A process is a series of actions or activities, changes or functions that bring about a result or permit work to get done. Variation is the enemy of process. When processes are used consistently across an organization, teams are aligned and therefore more effective.



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