Silence is acceptance – confront negative attitudes within the executive team.

How do you handle leaders who say they’re on board, but act like they’re not? Leadership team alignment is vital for high performing organizations to be successful. This week, Dr. Pilcher discusses how to address leaders who choose to deviate from strategy. Leaders who exhibit negative behaviors are noticeable by all employees and as a result are actively eroding the company culture.

This episode answers questions, such as: 

  • How do I confront negative attitudes in my executive team?
  • What tactics won’t get leaders on board?
  • When our leaders say they’re on board, how do we really know they’re on board with us?

Related Resources

Executive Leader Sabotage

You've probably heard the phrase, "people don't leave companies, they leave their managers." According to James K. Harter, Ph.D., Gallup's chief scientist for workplace management, at least 75% of the reasons for costly voluntary turnover come down to things that managers can influence.

Creating the Best Executive Team

Executive leaders provide the strategic leadership for a team or organization. These leaders establish goals for the organization and ensure that strategies to reach the goals are executed with quality and fidelity. For the organization to be successful, all members of the executive team should possess the characteristics of high performing leaders.

Addressing Executive Leader Sabotage

Alignment across the executive leadership team allows departments across the organization to work cohesively to exceed goals. Executive leaders spend time analyzing information, strategizing, and making decisions about the direction of the organization. The senior leader of the organization is responsible for leading the executive team.

Straight A Leadership: Alignment, Action, Accountability

Straight A Leadership, a book by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Quint Studer, can help your organization achieve the peak performance it needs to survive in the toughest environment.



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