Florida State University College of Education Recognizes Dr. Janet Pilcher with the 2018 Distinguished Alumni Award For Her Lasting Impact on the Field of Education


Pensacola, FL, October 25, 2018 – Dr. Janet Pilcher was selected for the Distinguished Alumni Award in the category of Business and Industry from the Florida State University’s College of Education on Friday October 19th at the FSU Heritage Museum for her lasting contributions toward improving the educational quality within her community.

Janet Pilcher has distinguished herself through scholarly, creative and humanitarian achievement and service to her profession in the Pensacola community and beyond.

She served a 19-year tenure at the University of West Florida (UWF) where she was a Professor, Associate Dean, and Dean of the College of Professional Studies. While at UWF, she received and oversaw 17 million dollars of grant and contract projects and achieved one of UWF’s research distinction awards. In 2005, she transitioned from her leadership role as Dean to create and lead the Institute for Innovate Community Learning.

Janet Pilcher is the founder and Senior Executive of Studer Education and a Managing Director of Studer Group. In 2010, Janet began to work with Quint Studer to determine how to transfer leadership best practices to education. She and her coaching team at Studer Education℠ engage with leaders to elevate educational organizations to become the best places to work, learn and achieve. Janet and Quint partnered to write Maximize Performance: Creating a Culture for Educational Excellence in 2015 highlighting results from partners and accomplishments that align to the foundation of their work.

During her time at UWF she and Dr. Robin Largue also co-created the TeacherReady program, a premier virtual program that prepares second career teachers who live all over the world. In partnership with UWF, Studer Education continues to offer this program serving teacher candidates in 50 states and 96 countries.

Upon receiving her award Dr. Janet Pilcher said, “I am honored to receive this award. My educational experience at Florida State University prepared me for a successful professional path. Most importantly, the faculty and staff in the College of Education promoted values that focused on making a difference in students’ lives.”

Established more than 25 years ago, the College of Education Distinguished Alumni Awards provide an avenue of honoring graduates of the College who have distinguished themselves

in seven categories. The categories include Business and Industry, Government and Community Service, International, K-12 Education, Postsecondary Systems, Trailblazer, and Distinguished Educator.

Each year, recipients are nominated by their peers and selected by an esteemed committee of College of Education emeritus faculty. They are honored by the College of Education Dean and administrative leadership members, department chairs, faculty, family and friends at an awards dinner held during Homecoming festivities.

For more information about the Distinguished Alumni Awards, contact Ashley Milton: a.milton@fsu.edu.


Studer Education works with partner organizations to build and sustain a culture of performance excellence. They offer personalized solutions that overcome barriers to continuous improvement. By listening first to the needs of the organization, Studer Education provides the tools and support that empower leaders and teams to solve problems, improve performance, create engaged working environments, and get measurable results. Learn more about Studer Education leadership solutions at www.studereducation.com. Learn about Studer Education’s online teacher certification program at www.teacherready.org.

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