Excellence Weekly: Rounding for Impact

Start your week with inspiring stories of leaders fostering community engagement, strengthening employee relationships and improving communication.


  1. Watch Oregon superintendent Dave Kline share his journey from skepticism to success in using rounding as a strategic leadership tool.
  2. Tune in to the Accelerate Your Performance podcast to discover how San Benito High School District successfully improved its district culture.
  3. Learn how Sand Creek Zone School District improved its ability to connect often with staff, collect feedback to remove barriers and recognize colleagues who were making an impact.
  4. Learn how to retain employees using leadership rounding and download a sample rounding agenda and template.


Rounding for Success: A Superintendent’s Journey from Skepticism to Impact


Colton School District’s Superintendent, Dave Kline, shares his inspiring journey from skepticism to success using rounding as a strategic leadership tool.


Superintendent Kline’s transformative journey from skepticism to advocacy serves as a roadmap for districts to enhance customer service, engage employees, and amplify student voices by embedding rounding into their organizational culture. His lessons learned highlight the effectiveness of rounding in achieving success across teams, schools, and districts.


Hear Colton School District’s Story


Accelerate Your Performance Podcast

Rounding for Results


Improve communication between educational leaders and members of the community through rounding.


Shawn Tennenbaum, Superintendent of San Benito High School District, and Board President John Corrigan join the podcast to explore the significant impact of leader rounding on their district. Learn how this practice fosters community engagement, facilitates employee feedback, and promotes productive board-community dialogue.


Listen now

 30 min


Case Study

Sand Creek Zone-School District 49 Sets the Standard in Employee Engagement


Through rounding, Sand Creek Zone improved their ability to connect with staff, collect feedback, and recognize colleagues making an impact.


Learn how consistent leader one-on-one rounding sessions increased overall employee engagement in the district. It helped leaders to identify recognition and reward opportunities while also removing barriers.


Download the case study


Retain Employees Using Leadership Rounding


Regular one-on-one employee conversations (Rounding) build trust and show employees that they are valued, resulting in better engagement, loyalty, and retention.


Understanding the needs of employees and how to help them is critical to retention. The most effective way for education leaders to improve school employees’ experience is to provide the support they need. By rounding, leaders can better understand the needs of their employees.

This article includes a downloadable rounding agenda and template.

Read the article


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