Rounding for Results

In this Accelerate Your Performance podcast episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher invites Dr. Shawn Tennenbaum, Superintendent of San Benito High School District, and the district’s Board President, John Corrigan, to discuss the great impact leader rounding has had on their district. This has allowed them to understand how constituents feel about developing a new school, engage in one-to-one conversations with employees to gather feedback, and allow board members to have productive dialogue with community members. Listen now as Dr. Tennenbaum and Mr. Corrigan discuss how they built rounding into their district’s culture.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What are some examples of who should round with whom in an organization?
  • How can rounding improve communication between educational leaders and members of the community in a district?
  • What questions can help drive meaningful dialogue during rounding?

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Download Leader Rounding Worksheet

The key to making rounding work is consistency. All leaders in the district should round with the employees they serve at least a few times a year. Building relationships takes time, and checking in from the last connection is important.

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