Excellence Weekly: Communicate at All Levels

Start your week with stories of excellence based on implementing effective communication practices.


  1. Connect to purpose with the Accelerate Your Performance Podcast to hear the story of a superintendent who enhanced district-wide communications.
  2. Learn to use one of Dr. Janet Pilcher’s favorite, simple communication tools for more effective communication in your organization.
  3. Join the Hardwiring Excellence in Education book club this afternoon focused on Chapter 8: Communicate at All Levels
  4. Discover how to build trust by establishing clear communication at our What’s Right in Education event on October 24-26.


Accelerate Your Performance Podcast

Communicate at All Levels


In this two-part podcast series, Dr. Ryan Carpenter discusses district-wide communication improvement initiatives.


In episode 313, Dr. Carpenter, Superintendent of the Estacada School District, shares how he effectively communicates input from employees, parents, and students by rolling out survey results across the district.

Listen now

 20 min


In episode 314, Dr. Carpenter discusses how he establishes effective two-way communication through his implementation of daily huddles and scorecards.

Listen now

 26 min


Effective Communication in Action

3-2-1 Communication Tool


The 3-2-1 communication tool requires minimal time for completion while providing rich insights.


Dr. Janet Pilcher, in Hardwiring Excellence in Education, emphasizes the versatility and effectiveness of the 3-2-1 communication tool. Use this tool for summarizing rounding sessions, monitoring weekly tasks aligned with quarterly goals, and tracking project progress.

3-2-1 Communication Tool


Hardwiring Excellence in Education Book Club

Chapter 8: Communicate at All Levels


Join the book club today at 2 p.m. CT.


Communication reinforces purpose in our work. Dr. Janet Pilcher and guest Leader Coach Dr. Pat Greco will discuss the reasons that starting with the why in communicating matters. They’ll also share tips, tools and tactics highlighted in Chapter 8 to enhance communication practices across your teams.


Join the Book Club


What’s Right in Education 2023


Join high-performing leaders committed to effectively communicating across all levels at our 12th annual education leadership conference on October 24-26.


Featured Breakout Session:

Effective Leader Communication | Breakout Session with Oldham County Schools | WRIE 2023 • October 24-26

Many people assume leaders have a natural ability to communicate effectively throughout an organization, but this skill isn’t innate. Hear from Oldham’s leaders how they took proactive steps in leadership development to establish clear communication at all levels. They will share insight into the precise actions taken to address inconsistent communication and build trust, even in challenging times.


See agenda and register for WRIE

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Ms. Georgia BlackmonWoman and man smiling at another colleague demonstrating a strong organizational culture.