Along with great joys in life we will experience great sorrows.

As you get ready to put 2019 to rest and welcome in 2020, Dr. Janet Pilcher reminds you to reflect on the moments of joy, and the moments of sorrow over the last year. It’s during those difficult times you can often learn the most about yourselves. This holiday season take a moment to appreciate and celebrate life and start the new year with great strength. If you don’t know where to start, you can’t go wrong with these 8 things dogs teach us!


This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we transfer the joys and sorrows we’ve experienced to become better people?
  • What can we learn from the most friendly and loyal species; the dog?

Related Resources

The Power of Perspective

Research tells us that shifting our perspective from negative to positive will make us more successful, happy, and motivated. Feeling sorry for yourself or focusing on negative thoughts does nothing to contribute to your life and is a waste of energy. Leave this negative mindset in the past, by letting go of narrow, self-centered thoughts and replacing negative thinking with a positive mindset.

Pause, Perspective, Process

Learning to pause, gain a new perspective, and learn about the process can help leaders regulate their emotions, make better decisions, and respond to difficult situations in a positive way.



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