Measure the Important Things: Continuously track progress to achieve results with an improvement mindset.

How do we know if a change or decision is providing the intended result? How do we know when our systems and processes are improving outcomes or if we are just implementing initiative after infinitive with little to show for it?

We clearly define strategic priority areas and actions and measure our progress at points along the way. We focus on the most important work that aligns to our goals and success for each priority area. For example, when partnering with organizations we recommend applying metrics to the following priority areas: Quality, People, Service and Finance.

Applying measurement in the areas of people and services places a priority on creating a best place to work and service excellence outcomes to support success. Gathering feedback from the people we serve and the individuals who work with us is essential to building a strong culture. Engaged employees will do whatever it takes to provide excellent service to our customers and communities.

Asking employees and customers for feedback provides the organization and its leaders with valuable information for improvement. It also builds trust between customers and organizations and employees and their leaders. Trust is key to motivating employees and increasing engagement.

Impact During a Crisis

Without a doubt our organization wouldn’t have been able to make this transition if we hadn’t put a priority of customer service and caring about our employee engagement numbers over the years.
– Dale Shaver, Parks and Land Use Director, Waukesha County | EP 68: Focus on the Positive

The survey itself is not what is most important. Leaders build trust when they communicate the decisions and actions that will be taken based on feedback from the survey. This transparent communication process is the employee survey rollout process. Because Dale and their executive leaders put a priority on employee engagement with measurement, his team had the trust needed to successfully transition their organization rapidly in response to the COIVD-19 pandemic in March of 2020.

Collecting data is essential to making informed decisions. During a crisis or times of disruption it can be tempting to make decisions based on emotions. Often times, we are forced to make quick decisions. When we make it a habit to collect and use data to drive decisions, we benefit by already having the data we will need when a crisis hits.

Are you using data to drive your decisions? Think about how disruption affects your ability to make the right decision. How can you use data to drive during times of crisis?

How often do you ask your teams and customers for feedback and input to drive improvement? What steps can you take to build trust with your teams before the next crisis hits?


EP 68: Focus on the Positive
with Dale Shaver

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