Break down walls, be fearless, and reach out for help.

Sports and athletics have offered many of us an opportunity to develop critical leadership and life skills. Today’s episode features a special guest who faced a unique set of circumstances requiring him to remain agile and authentic throughout his childhood and young career. His focus on being persistent and developing personal relationships recently paid off as he was selected in the 2020 NFL draft. Listen as New Orleans Saints Rookie, Zack Baun, shares his take on leadership, a few of his goals, and inspiring messages for us all.

This episode addresses questions such as: 

  • What does it mean to be successful?
  • How can we overcome moments of adversity?
  • Is there space for more than one leader on a team?

Featured Episode Resources

relationships require vulnerability 9P | LEADING WITH VULNERABILITY 

For years, people have felt the need to “shut off” or conceal their emotions in the workplace. More recently, we’ve started to recognize the important role emotions can play in our organizations. Effective leaders tune into the emotions of their employees to provide support, motivate teams, and create deeper connections between individuals.

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connect to increase morale


How do I attain organizational excellence? Move past pockets of excellence. In this video, Dr. JoAnn Sternke breaks down the connection between culture and strategy for those on an excellence journey.

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trusting team relationships


For organizations to successfully respond to changes in their external or internal environments, teams are often created, restructured, or eliminated. Whether you have a mixture of new and old team members or a completely new set of people working together, it’s critical to build trust as a team before goals can be accomplished together.

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Develop Leaders


Plan for your organization’s future. After you have identified those who are aspiring leaders and high performers on your team, it’s important to think about the future of the organization. In the next 5 years, who will retire or move on from the organization? Which leaders will leave open positions?

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Connect with Coaches and Guests

The challenges over the last year may have kept us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions and at our upcoming conferences.

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