Improvement is about never being satisfied.
As the world continues to change at a rapid pace we need to help people in our organizations more than ever hardwire leadership fundamentals. To do so, we focus on the Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence. The best organizations continuously transform and review their practices to identify opportunities to improve, because we are only at our best when we strive for excellence in everything that we do. Today, Janet shares a preview of the Destination High Performance West Coast virtual experience over the next two days.
Learn from successful organizations who have achieved positive results while facing incredible challenges, including an expert panel from the School District of Menomonee Falls, recognized for their improvement work by the Carnegie Institute for the Advancement of Teaching. Our goal is to be an intellectual resource and thought-partner on your journey to excellence. When we network and learn together, we build a workplace experience that impacts the lives we serve in education: our students and our communities.
Featured Episode Resources
It’s not enough for organizations to be good. For those who want to be the top and timeless choice in the market, excellence must be the goal. Organizational excellence is achieved by focusing on culture and strategy. The Evidence-Based Leadership Framework and Nine Principles for Organizational Excellence work together to build a top place work culture and offer strategies for attaining excellent results.
With streams of information constantly coming at us, it’s no wonder many leaders have a hard time making decisions. The trap of analysis paralysis is real. What’s more, when we do finally make a decision, it can be difficult to feel confident about the choice. As with any other leadership behavior, decision-making can be improved.
In situations involving intense change, strong leadership is a must. Knee-jerk reactions and decisions won’t help the organization progress. Leaders will need to prepare and plan for multiple scenarios in order to lead big change successfully. Doing so will help leaders make thoughtful smart decisions in uncertain times.
Connect with Coaches and Guests
The challenges over the last year may have kept us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions and at our upcoming conferences.
Explore our upcoming events:
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