A shared mission: To help people connect.

When challenges seem numerous or even insurmountable, it’s important we stay connected to our purpose and that we help our teams do the same. It is the fuel that will keep us going and infuses meaning into our work.  Having a sense of purpose calls us to growth and to step out of our comfort zones. Staying connected to our purpose is so vital, we’ve chosen it as the theme of this year’s What’s Right in Education virtual conference. During this free conference, you’ll have the opportunity to hear stories from leaders and partners who are living out their purpose and making a difference. In this episode, listen as our host Dr. Janet Pilcher discusses how we can cultivate a fresh sense of purpose in our work.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we find and maintain a sense of purpose in our work in the face of obstacles?
  • What kind of mindset is required to stay fueled with purpose?
  • How can we help our team members find purpose and meaning in their work?

We will not release a Thursday episode, but we will be back on Monday with a new episode.

Featured Episode Resources

Connect to Purpose

Connect with the bigger picture. Since most people spend the majority of their day at work, connecting employees with how their position makes a difference can increase ownership and pride, therefore accelerating performance. Leaders can impact the overall success of the organization by bringing people together to contribute meaningfully to a greater purpose.

Connecting the Heart & Mind is Connecting to Purpose

As leaders, we should create environments where we recognize and actively value people for their contributions and individual interests and strengths. We help our teams connect to purpose, which connects the heart and the mind. Then, our connected heart and mind guide our hands in action to continue the work focused on our defined purpose. It is important for our passion and purpose to be connected.

Finding Purpose at Work

In this video a Director of Operations shares how she connects the work she does daily with partners in hospitals and education settings to meaningful outcomes in her life. The ability to recognize moments like these keep us engaged and motivated to continuously improve. When we share similar stories with our teams we encourage them to discover what their purpose is.

Using Purpose to Inspire Action

One of the many benefits of working in education and service organizations is the ability to see there is a deeper meaning, beyond profits, for our organization's existence. It's likely many of our employees draw a connection to the impact on children and communities. While there is a distinct connection to meaningful work in our industries, it is still beneficial to employees when leaders commit to communicating the organization’s purpose.

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Connect with Coaches and Guests

The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.

Explore our upcoming events:

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