You can’t withdrawal from an empty account.

Dr. Pilcher explains what an emotional bank account is, and why it’s necessary to maintain a positive balance with your teams and coworkers in this week’s episode. Master how you can provide feedback for improvement without damaging your relationships and find out 7 ways to nurture an emotional bank account with your team.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can I develop positive relationships with my team?
  • How do I provide constructive feedback to my team without ruining our relationship?
  • How do you balance completing tasks with maintaining relationships?

Related Resources

Emotional Bank Account

Our emotional bank accounts are the trust we’ve earned through strong relationships with our employees and colleagues. Maintaining a positive balance with others requires more effort than setting up a direct deposit payment. Learn how practicing our “soft” skills will improve employee engagement.

Trust: Consistency of Leadership

Have you ever heard someone say, “I trust people until they give me a reason not to”? We may aspire to approach our lives and relationships from a blanket trust stance. Realistically, most of us have to earn trust.

It's All About Relationships

Being in relationships with other humans has allowed us to survive and thrive as a species. While our environments are in many ways less threatening than in centuries past, our need to connect and build trusting bonds has persisted. Trust is fundamental for a strong and lasting relationship.

Leadership: The Emotional Bank Account

As a leader, your goal is to accomplish tasks through people, so there are always two dynamics involved: the task and the relationship. This is the second installation in a three-part series walking you through the idea of leadership instead of management.



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