Build and communicate a vision to take the organization to the next level.
We all know that a leader’s behavior has a significant influence on the employees of an organization. Great leaders are reflective, have self-awareness and are connected to the people they serve. On the other hand, bad leaders often cause employees to seek out another work environment. How can we become the type of leader that contributes to building an inspiring workplace? To answer this, Dr. Janet Pilcher shares the 5 Questions Emotionally Intelligent Leaders Ask Themselves Every Day written by Harvey Deutschendorf.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- What are the characteristics of emotionally intelligent leaders?
- Why is it so important to help employees achieve their career goals?
- How can we keep people excited and motivated to continuously improve?
Featured Episode Resources
Some of the best leaders are critical thinkers, creative problem solvers and natural prioritizers. Another trait that a great leader must have is emotional intelligence. Unfortunately, statistics show that as leaders “climb up the corporate ladder”, their emotional intelligence (EQ) often decreases.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is awareness of your own feelings and those of others, regulating these feelings in yourself and others, using emotions that are appropriate to the situation, self-motivation, and building relationships (Jensen, 2012). Emotional Intelligence is based on the connection between what you see and what you do with yourself and others. What does EQ look like?
The classic view of emotions goes back to Plato, Hippocrates, and Aristotle. Emotions are thought to be a brutal reflex, fighting on occasion with our rationality. After nearly a century of scientific effort, researchers can’t find a consistent physical fingerprint for even a single emotion. Emotions are not hardwired and are not universal! So, how do we sharpen our emotional intelligence?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is awareness of your own feelings and those of other and the ability to regulate these feelings. EQ is based on the connection between what you see and what you do with yourself and others. Consider the case scenario below. How might EQ impact your approach and success?
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