Build work and life with curious minds and hearts.

Great leaders are curious leaders.  Curiosity makes us more aware, opens our minds to new possibilities and solutions,  and leads to better communication between people and teams. In this episode, Dr. Janet Pilcher discusses why curiosity is critical in our workplaces and what we can do to increase our curiosity.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can curiosity transform our leadership?
  • What do curious people do that sets them apart?
  • What are key characteristics of curious leaders?


For 3 ways to tap into a child’s natural curiosity, check out School House Episode 11: A Case for Curiosity.

Featured Episode Resources

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is awareness of your own feelings and those of others, regulating these feelings in yourself and others, using emotions that are appropriate to the situation, self-motivation, and building relationships (Jensen, 2012). Emotional Intelligence is based on the connection between what you see and what you do with yourself and others.

Why Do We Avoid Vulnerability?

Are you good enough? We are often viewing a highlight reel of other people’s best moments and greatest successes without taking into account the amount of effort and failure experienced to get to that point. Some of us have begun to feel pressure to be extraordinary, that somehow a normal, or average life is something to be ashamed of.

Vulnerability and Teamwork

It’s no surprise that technology has greatly changed the way we work and grow our organizations. Technology is largely responsible for increasing the speed at which individuals, teams, and organizations are expected to perform and grow. There is substantial pressure on workers to learn new skills, generate new innovative and creative products and services, and collaborate to solve complicated problems.

The Power of Perspective

At times we can all find ourselves trapped in a negative mindset or experiencing negative thoughts. We may even enjoy the attention and validation we get from others trying to help us. Have you ever considered the long-term consequences from this way of thinking? Negative thoughts are self-perpetuating and can cause damage to our work and personal relationships, future opportunities, and even your health.

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