When we drain other’s energy, we are underutilizing our team’s talents.

2020 has been the kind of year where we’ve all felt more stress and anxiety due to continuous change and uncertainty. As we turn our heads to 2021 now is a good time to reflect and self-assess. Has the stress we’ve understandably felt led us to be impatient with others? What kind of energy are we bringing home and to our workplaces? Do we drain energy from others, or do we energize others? In this episode, listen as Dr. Janet Pilcher dives into this topic.

This will be our last episode of 2020. We will take a break and resume releasing episodes beginning on Thursday, January 7th. We wish you all a wonderful holiday!

This episode answers questions such as:

  • How can we help creativity flourish in the workplace?
  • Why can negative energy be so detrimental in our organizations?
  • How can we inspire members of our teams to find solutions?

Featured Episode Resources

Reward & Recognize

Humans are emotional beings, we like to hear what we are good at, that we're appreciated, valued, and our contributions are making a difference. Taking the time to recognize a job well done and to connect an employee's performance with the organization's goals, gives people a deeper sense of purpose for their work.

Motivate with Recognition

Building connections with the work and people in an organization inspires team members to achieve the mission. In the book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, the Heath brothers explain this appeal to the emotional side of individuals is equivalent to motivating an elephant. A rider can tug on the reins of the six-ton creature for only so long before the effort fails, and the elephant needs more than force to keep going. A more effective approach...

Improvement & Innovation

When a team awakens to the real meaning and practice of a continuous improvement approach to make lasting change, team members begin to think about improvement possibilities differently. Getting away from initiative-centered thinking can be a challenge for organizations that may be accustomed to jumping from one episodic and silver bullet promise to the next.

How Do We Know if it's an Improvement?

Before we implement initiatives or changes, it can be useful to engage in a process to clearly define the need for improvement or the problem to be solved. When we talk about improvement and innovation, we aren’t just talking about big insights that change the world. Improvement also happens when we make small changes. Improvement is eliminating unnecessary hassle, solving problems, and creating better outcomes.

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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions.

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