Leadership is getting rid of the baggage.

We all have preconceived notions of what a CEO should look like, or act like. But the truth is, the best leaders have a variety of qualities and no two are the same. There is one thing successful leaders have in common: they are true to themselves. We have to know who we are as leaders, and most importantly, we have to know who we are not. In this episode, listen as Quint Studer and our host Dr. Janet Pilcher discuss why leadership is an inside job and how we can develop greater self-awareness to remove the baggage preventing us from becoming great leaders.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • How can we figure out who we aren’t?
  • What three tactics can we use to overcome self-doubt?
  • What is really getting in our way as leaders?

Featured Episode Resources

Be Yourself-Everyone Else Is Taken

The August 8 th issue of the Wall Street Journal featured an article called "How Tim Cook Made Apple His Own." I was immediately drawn to this piece because I know that it is hard to follow successful leaders, especially those with very strong beliefs on how things must be done.

Collective Willpower to Succeed

A leadership team has the unique responsibility of championing the goals of the organization. They are owners, motivators, and typically highly engaged with their work. However, we know there are highs and lows in every organization’s life cycle, and how leaders bounce back from the lows is what is most significant.

Strengths Reflection

Operating from your strengths is the most effective way to achieve individually and within a team. Recognizing and developing your own strengths increases your ability to contribute to the success of your organization. Engaging in dialogue about individual strengths as a team builds relationships and understanding that positions the team to succeed at the highest levels.

Trust: Consistency of Leadership

While recently pondering how we go about earning trust, I was transported back to my days in the classroom. Middle schoolers have a great knack for teaching you significant life lessons. How did I earn their trust? Why did they stop by during recess or after school to chat?

Take a 360 Look

Are you aware of how coworkers, managers, and supervisees view your behaviors, strengths and weaknesses as a professional? Like most people, you probably believe you have a good understanding of how other employees are perceiving you. Yet, our own experiences, emotions and beliefs cloud our perception of ourselves. Collecting feedback from a variety of people allows a more accurate look at your own effectiveness.

Looking in the Mirror: Could I Be the Problem?

There are times when we might be standing in our own way, or in the way of our team. How could it be? I am always focused on what is best for the team. When the team is not producing, and you have tried all the best practices that you know, it might be time to look in the mirror.

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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.

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