Each year in August Studer Education showcases select partners and school district executives at What’s Right in Education in Chicago. This month, more than 200 educational leaders attended. Over the next couple weeks we’ll share some of the Twitter feed (#WRIE) takeaways from the event which highlight how school district leaders are all in, all of the time when it comes to improving their school districts and their students’ learning experience. Today’s focus is Evidence Based Leadership.

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Why Evidence-Based Leadership? Why What’s Right in Education? Great education leaders show our school board leaders, school leaders, teachers, staff, and our students and parents that we care about their well-being. In doing so, we connect with the hearts and minds of those we lead, and in turn, we provide “life opportunities” to the kids we serve. Leader behavior, grounded in Evidence-Based Leadership, means we are proactive to solve problems in an execution framework and maximize performance through continuous improvement. When we do these things, we champion great places to work, learn, and achieve.

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Our mission at Studer Education is to provide students with a great place to learn, teachers with a great place to teach, and parents with confidence that their children are getting a great education. For more information about building a culture of high-performance in your education system contact Ryan Hess at Ryan.Hess@StuderEducation.com. Studer Education is a division of Studer Group, a recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Follow us on Twitter at @StuderEducation.

Filed under: How to Lead… Tagged: Culture, Execution, High Performance, High-Achievement, Leadership, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Performance

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