Holiday tree branch with lights

As the year comes to a close, Dr. Janet Pilcher reflects on the beauty of the holiday season, the lessons we can learn from A Charlie Brown Christmas, and the importance of finding purpose in the small things that bring us joy. Join Janet for a short, heartfelt episode as she reminds us to celebrate the messy yet beautiful moments of life. What’s your “little tree” this season?

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Episode Transcript

[Intro music plays in the background.]

Janet Pilcher: Welcome to the last episode of the year of Accelerate Your Performance. I’m your host, Janet Pilcher.

In this holiday season, people celebrate various holidays. I’m still fortunate to celebrate Christmas with my family. I have my family here in Pensacola, and we have the opportunity to be together and celebrate each year. Again, I’m very fortunate to be in that place in life where I can enjoy my family and be thankful that they’re here with me.

Many of us also watch the stories of Christmas on TV or on DVD, or maybe not even DVD anymore, in some digitized format.

What about this one? When Charlie Brown and Linus arrive at the Christmas tree lot, they’re surrounded by fake trees. Some are plastic, some are aluminum, some are painted colors, some even have polka dots. Linus knocks on one of the aluminum trees. “Do they still make wooden trees?” he wonders out loud.

Meanwhile, Charlie Brown is starting to feel sad again. None of these trees feel right to him. Then Charlie Brown sees it, a tiny green tree, a teeny tiny green tree. He smiles. “This little tree seems to need a home,” he says. Linus hesitates. “I don’t know, Charlie Brown. This doesn’t seem to hit the modern spirit.” But Charlie Brown suddenly feels better than he has in days. “We’ll decorate it, and it will be just right for our play. Besides, I think it needs me.”

I love the story of A Charlie Brown Christmas. There are so many stories within this story. I love the part of the story. Charlie Brown said, “this tree needs me” and Charlie Brown equally needed the tree to give him purpose. He saw the tree needed attention and to be attended to. The tree that Charlie Brown connected with brought him purpose and meaning.

I too love a Christmas tree. One that is fresh, cut off the lot and fat and full. I also love decorating it just like I did when I was a kid. A lot of colorful lights with different sizes. Ornaments that have their own history and story. Those that have been packed away year after year after year. Some newer ones with new meanings. The feeling of the tree with lights and then sporadically placing ornaments on the tree in all shapes and sizes. It’s so fun and messy. No organized pattern. Just place where you feel like placing them.

When people come to the house, they immediately say, “what a beautiful tree.” Its beauty is in its purpose and meaning from the historical connections on its branches and the many lights wound and tight layers around the tree. I believe the beauty is in its messiness. It’s real. It’s what I remember of my childhood. Nothing fancy. Just a time of love and laughter and fun.

That’s why I so relate to Charlie Brown’s connection to the little tree. He feels better when he sees the little tree on the lot, feeling that if he and his friends bring the tree some TLC and some love, this lost and ignored tree will come to life. It will be valued and appreciated and bring happiness and joy to others.

What’s your little tree? This holiday season, I hope you hold it tight to feel the true spirit of giving.

Thank you for giving your time to me every week on Accelerate Your Performance. This past year has been a year of many celebrations. A place where we’ve experienced gratitude and have seen good work by those of you that we get a chance to connect with each and every day in the work that we do.

[Outro music plays in the background.]

Thank you for what you do. And I look forward to connecting with you in the new year right around the corner. Have a great holiday season everyone.

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