Tactics to cope with a toxic boss.

56% of American workers claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic. Yet we all deserve to work for high performing leaders, so what can you do if this isn’t your experience at work? Do you grin and bear it? Quit? Confront the boss? To continue the discussion from episode 7 on poor work behavior, this week Dr. Pilcher addresses low performing leaders, from the employee’s perspective.

This episode addresses questions, such as: 

  • What if your boss is a low performer?
  • How can you be sure your boss is really the problem?
  • How do I have tough conversations with a superior?

Related Resources

What If Your Boss Is The Problem?

This type of problematic leadership affects the organization's employee experience, causing disengagement, which leads to an overall lack of productivity. Signs of toxic managers include micromanaging, passive-aggressive behavior, taking credit for team wins, employee favoritism, or a leader who is never around, to name just a few.

Know The Boss's What

What Really Matters to Your Boss? In The Great Employee Handbook, Quint Studer explains the what like this; "Everyone has one or two defining actions or attributes that outweigh all others in their mind." Think about what actions or behaviors irritate your boss or coworker, or keeps them from doing their best work?

How Do You Know If You Work for a Toxic Manager? They Will Do Any of These 8 Things Daily

Randstad USA, a provider of HR, legal staffing, and recruitment services, recently conducted an employee engagement survey that reveals more bad news about the state of the American workplace (with some findings that you just can't help but laugh at).

Support-Confront-Support Leadership Challenge

We provide support and feedback to those we work with because when we invest in each other’s success, the whole organization is better off. Sometimes we face a situation when we need to provide feedback that is difficult to bring up to a colleague or even a supervisor.It’s important to approach a conversation with a colleague or supervisor in a positive way and make sure the person understands you are speaking up because you care.



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