Leaders need the courage to take risks, and the vulnerability to accept failure.

To deliver exceptional service we need to embrace vulnerability and courage. When leaders model this behavior in organizations, employees are encouraged to take risks and know that it’s okay to fail. Today, Jon Malone, Director and CEO of Northwestern Illinois Association discusses his organization’s commitment to service and how vulnerability impacts trust and accountability on his team.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • What does it look like to provide unmistakable value to those you serve?
  • How can we integrate vulnerability into our team’s culture?
  • How can we build a team that chooses character over comfort?

Featured Episode Resources

Give Customer More Than Just A Positive Experience

Like any other human relationship, the relationships we establish with our customers thrive on trust and respect. It's only logical that we look to service providers to meet these same basic relational needs, but it's not something every organization knows how to do.

Cascading the Building Blocks of Service Excellence

When we ask our teams to deliver excellent service, it’s important to explain what “excellent service” means for your organization. To build on the explanation and increase the understanding and delivery of service that goes above and beyond, employees benefit from ongoing communication about standards of service. Watch this video clip as Dan reviews the 8 key elements of continuously focusing on excellent service.

Am I a Perfectionist Leader?

Regular self-reflection can be a valuable practice for leaders who struggle with perfectionism. Consider scheduling some time once a week to ask yourself the questions below. If you identify an area where you can improve, list some ideas for next steps based on those reflections.

Culture: The Foundation to Withstand Disruption

Throughout these challenging uncertain times, one thing has consistently proven true: establishing a strong culture before disruption is the glue that has held teams together. During recent conversations with leaders across the country, we heard about successful responses to the COIVD-19 pandemic. As these conversations continued, one thing became clear: culture is the foundation for their team’s success.

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