While the title of this post sounds trite, its true meaning comes from the Harvard Graduate School of Education‘s Dean James Ryan and his 2014 Commencement Speech. As leaders, we continually seek better efficiencies, time management techniques, and tips and tricks to make our days more productive. However, Dean Ryan meant something different –– and far more profound –– in his message to graduates:

Don’t waste time being afraid. I can’t think of a larger obstacle to happiness or success than fear. We all face fears, large and small, every day. You need to get rid of them. Or, I should say, overcome them. I don’t mean to dwell on my father’s death. But when he died, I realized how pointless it is to be afraid – afraid of meeting someone new. Afraid of doing poorly at work. Afraid of trying something new. Afraid of being in a new situation. Afraid of embarrassment. Afraid of not fitting in. You are going to feel a lot of pressure to conform, whether in your workplace, or in your neighborhood, in raising your kids, or in creating your relationships. Don’t be afraid to do what you think is right, to do what you think is fun, to do what you think might work. Have the courage to disagree or to say no, but at the same time, don’t be afraid to search for common ground, which sometimes requires more courage than simply voicing disagreement. Have the courage to do something that hasn’t been tried before, to do something that might be a total flop. Don’t be afraid, in other words, to stumble or even fail.  Happiness is risk’s reward. The only rewards of fear are boredom and bitterness.

Dr. Melissa Matarazzo, leader coach for Studer Education, recently had the opportunity to listen to Dean Ryan’s speech as she received her Ed.D. diploma at HGSE’s 2014 Commencement. “I will retain this powerful speech for future reflection; I encourage you to do the same. We all face moments that require courage, whether to stand up, to sit down and talk, or to persevere. Let’s not waste time on fear, but approach our daily work with the audacity to believe in our teams and how we will make our organizations great places to work and learn,” said Dr. Matarazzo.

Looking to strengthen your courage muscle? Watch Dean Ryan’s speech here.

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