Leadership isn’t comfortable.
It seems right now there are no easy decisions. It’s uncomfortable for us as leaders to be living in a place of uncertainty. But as today’s guest explains, leadership isn’t comfortable. When faced with a crossroads of choosing character over comfort, most leaders will say they choose character however, subconsciously we are often choosing comfort. In order to create better communities, we’ll need to embrace the discomfort of doing what’s right. Listen as Quint Studer and Dr. Janet Pilcher discuss examples of the subtle behavior of choosing comfort and what it takes for us to overcome it.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- Where are some common areas that we get stuck choosing what’s comfortable?
- How can we build the courage it takes to make decisions that stem from character, not comfort?
- What’s at stake if we aren’t willing to embrace the discomfort of making the right decisions?
Featured Episode Resources
The Hardest Decisions
When we avoid addressing poor performance our culture and team morale suffers. High and middle performers are often negatively impacted and may even become frustrated and leave the organization. If we allow toxic people to stay in our organizations, we will eventually hit a wall and will not be able to continuously improve results as an...
Eliminate We/They
How we communicate matters. When we model positive and respectful communication, we set the example and expectation for how to interact in our organization. When we practice the opposite approach, we establish a culture of blame. Quint Studer, the founder of Studer Group says, “One of the most damaging characteristics in a company’s culture is called We/They. It can be a silent killer of both performance and culture.
Decision-Making Confidence
With streams of information constantly coming at us, it’s no wonder many leaders have a hard time making decisions. The trap of analysis paralysis is real. What’s more, when we do finally make a decision, it can be difficult to feel confident about the choice. As with any other leadership behavior, decision-making can be improved.
Spinach in your Teeth Messages: The Art of Giving (and Receiving) Honest Feedback
Most of us hear the word "feedback" and immediately translate it to "criticism." Few of us have an easy time either giving it or receiving it. We know in our heads that we need feedback; our hearts don't want to hear it. Let's reframe our discussion.
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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
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