Change requires we lead and work differently.
A leader’s most important challenge is to keep the organization from falling. To remain good, or even great depends on how we roll strategy, people, and service into how we approach leadership in the next decade. As change becomes ongoing and more complex, a traditional strategic plan will no longer suffice. To continuously improve and continuously adapt to change we need a fluid, dynamic, agile strategy and a workplace focused on continuous learning. Listen as Janet shares 5 ways to lead and work differently as learning organizations of the future.
This episode addresses questions, such as:
- What will it take to create the right learning organizations of the future?
- Why is traditional strategic planning no longer effective?
- How do we revolutionize our ways of doing business to continuously change and evolve?
Featured Episode Resources
Most of us recognize the difference between leading and managing change. While both are necessary to successfully operate in or implement change, leading change involves an element of anticipation. Anticipating change means leaders have enough foresight and information to know what is likely to happen, strategize, and guide the larger team to success.
We all view experiences from our own perspective. As employees we are often thinking about our side of the work. To be a successful organization and ensure customers have the best experience, it can be useful to view your organization from a customer’s point of view.
We studied how surgical teams at 16 major medical centers implemented a difficult new procedure for performing cardiac surgery. What we found sheds light on one of the key determinants of team performance: a team’s ability to adapt to a new way of working.
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