If you wait for perfection, you’ll be waiting your whole life – just get started!

Why is a commitment to excellence important as a leader and as an organization? Dr. Janet Pilcher interviews Harry S. Hertz Leadership Award recipient, Dr. JoAnn Sternke, to get her perspective on what it takes to pursue performance excellence. As a superintendent of Pewaukee School District, JoAnn lead the organization to receive a Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. In this episode she reveals the key to seeing results and getting the entire group of leaders moving forward.

This episode addresses questions, such as: 

  • What do great leaders focus on?
  • How can you approach the organization’s goals more systematically?
  • What has the greatest impact on moving the organization forward?
  • What is the significance of using the Baldridge Framework along with the Nine Principles®?

Related Resources

Pewaukee Schools Baldrige Journey

Pewaukee School District (PSD) superintendent JoAnn Sternke, second from right, accepts the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The little engine known as PSD began its journey toward the Baldrige Award a decade ago when a member of its school board gave Sternke a copy of the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. Sternke understood the criteria could provide a framework for continuously improving processes throughout the district.

Leading Change

Change is constant for all of us. Because change causes us to adjust routines and thinking, it can be frustrating. Change is easier to later manage, when leaders transparently communicate the why for change. It is also critical to help teams see how the change will impact them individually. How will it benefit the team? A team must understand the why for the change if it is to embrace the right sense of urgency and move to successful implementation.



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