“Good leaders adopt the values of the organization, GREAT leaders embody the values of the organization.”
After reading Maximize Performance, a long-time friend of Studer Education and superintendent shared his reflections. He highlighted the following sentences from the post, “But what they did do was focus on the values of the leaders. They looked at how leaders engage with teachers and staff to give them every opportunity to reach their highest potential,” and added:
Good leaders adopt the values of the organization, GREAT leaders embody the values of the organization. Said another way, the values of a leader mirror the values of the organization IF the organization selects, trains leaders, AND leads with those same values expected of others. An absence of the core values of an organization (or lack of demonstration by senior leadership) will determine the extent leaders in the organization grow. They CANNOT grow any higher than the model presented to them by their leader…
This superintendent’s reflection is so good. When leaders in school districts hardwire and apply a set of key behaviors to achieve their organizational goals, they create “best place to work” environments. This gives other district and school leaders, teachers, and staff every opportunity to achieve at their highest potential. In addition, when leaders apply these behaviors they renew their sense of purpose and their joy of doing worthwhile work and making a difference.
Maximize Performance: Creating a Culture for Educational Excellence by Quint Studer and Janet Pilcher will help education leaders engage in systematic reviews to diagnose, apply, assess, and validate the execution of strategies across school, department, and school system levels. Learn more about Maximize Performance here.