In The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge writes a goal should be difficult enough that people know they have to change, which generates the creative tension necessary to make adjustments. If the goal is too low, people might think they don’t really have to change or they can wait until the last minute to start. If it’s too high, though, leaders could think it’s unattainable.

In Maximize Performance, authors Quint Studer and Janet Pilcher explain:

An organization’s leadership ensures that goals are set at the top level and then cascaded down in a relevant and meaningful way to the leaders of each area. A rule of thumb learned from years of working with school districts is that the closer a leader’s evaluation is to 100 percent use of metrics, the greater the chance that the school system will achieve the overall results.

Upon finishing Maximize Performance, Dr. Dawn Wilson, Lead Coach at learning Forward Academy, relayed that the book “caused [her] to think more deeply about change, accountable leadership, the flywheel, scorecard and [her] favorite… connecting hearts and minds.”

Dr. Wilson goes on to say, “People want their hearts and minds aligned with the mission of the organization… and they want to feel valued.  As educators, we have so much work to do to create high-performing school systems… After reading the book, I am inspired to find ways to create a culture of excellence in my setting.”

So wonderful that Dr. Wilson shared this message with us and allowed us to share it with you. The central values at the core of the work we do as educators is to have purpose, do worthwhile work, and make a difference. Sometimes we bog down in daily tasks and forget why we chose our profession. As educators, we are lucky because our purpose sits in front of us every day.

Interested in reading Maximize Performance? Get your copy here. >>>


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