Let the Student Voice be Your Guide

It’s vital to include student voice when making decisions that impact the learning environment. Leaders often say student voice is important; but unfortunately, it sometimes is an afterthought and not integral to the decisions. As districts identify and define values, student voice is where the journey begins.


  • Incorporate the student voice to create a culture of inclusion and belonging in school districts.
  • Receiving honest input from students cannot be achieved unless leaders first build a relationship with each individual.
  • Collecting feedback from students generates better outcomes for the entire community.

Define Mission and Values by Listening to Students

During the 2020-2021 school year, Portage Public Schools in Michigan began building out key values in preparation for their 100th anniversary. The first task was to assemble a large team to complete the process. Notably, Superintendent Mark Bielang determined the right place to start was with the students.

He asked:

  • Which values are important to you?
  • What does equity mean to you?
  • What should be included in our “declaration statement” about who we will be for the next 100 years?

Collect the Student Voice Through a Trusted Relationship

This honest input from students could not happen without an existing, trusting relationship between leaders and students. In this case, Superintendent Bielang gathered input specifically from his student board of advisors. This group of students has a long-standing relationship with Mr. Bielang, and he meets with them regularly to gain their insight and ideas from across the district. He counts on them to bring issues to his attention that he might not hear about from others. They are the perfect group to provide initial input.

This ongoing relationship allows students to share their true thoughts and recommendations on the issue of values for the district. More importantly, they know their voice is important.

Prioritize the Student Voice to Shape Culture

Interestingly, the student response and the adult survey response align in many ways. Over 2,200 survey responses were collected from stakeholder groups including board members, employees, parents, community members, and students across multiple grades and schools. The Portage school system has a culture that prioritizes listening to feedback. The community expects the schools will solicit their feedback and then act on it.

Using this feedback, the Portage Values Team continues developing values, a declaration statement, and defining equity. Overall, 2,820 survey comments offer ideas for word choice, definitions, and other input for the team to consider. While the review process is time-consuming, it demonstrates that all voices matter. Now, stakeholder groups will soon review the draft values, declaration statement, and definition of equity, and again offer their feedback and suggestions. What group will be the first to see the draft and offer input?

Students, Of Course!

Leaders in Portage Schools boldly prioritize the student voice to shape school culture and generate better outcomes for their community.


To make the student voice a priority in schools, leaders must:

Think differently.

When making decisions, school leaders must consider the voice and input of students and the surrounding community.

Plan differently.

Engage in ongoing relationships with students to hear their true thoughts and recommendations for the district.

Act differently.

Students should feel that their voice is important. Ask them for feedback and then implement their ideas when possible.

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