We tell the facts even when it’s difficult – especially when it’s difficult.

Nothing stays the same. In fact, if we keep doing things the same way we’ve always done them, it’s likely our performance will decline. Change is the only constant in our organizations and in life, and for most, change is uncomfortable. For organizations to stay relevant and innovative, teams must work through fears quickly, and to do so, leaders must make decisions and communicate these decisions by connecting the mind and the heart. On today’s show Janet discusses 3 leadership characteristics necessary for managing continuously changing organizations.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

  • What does it mean to be an authentic leader?
  • Why does connecting the mind and the heart motivate teams?
  • How do we move conversations back to the point?

Related Resources

Guiding Your Team Through Change

Are you being mindful when you communicate change? Watch as Dr. Eric Gallien discusses how he balances applying the right amount of pressure with the the right amount of support when communicating change to his team.

Phases of Organizational Change

Change is tough. Sometimes organizations willingly change to stay ahead of customer trends, while other changes may be imposed by unexpected forces. Understanding and identifying key phases of change within your organization will keep your team prepared for the inevitable shifts.As we become more aware of the phases of change, we can predict when setbacks might occur and proactively remove barriers.

Communicating Change

Organizations consistently face change. Deciding what strategic changes must occur is part of a leadership team's responsibilities. Once the change is determined, it is important to communicate the problem along with the suggested solution. Following this communication process builds trust in leadership and the change.

Why Organizational Change Fails

People don't always welcome change. In fact, change is often resisted. Providing effective leadership in times of change is an important, yet often overlooked skill set. Organizations tend to devote few resources to developing skills for leading change among its leaders. Organizations that experience high levels of success have leaders who commit to actions that effectively support change. Preventing change failure is possible.



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