A change in culture comes from the top down.
Children who experience a strong early education are more likely to be successful in life. This is why today’s guests strive to support families and seek out innovation for children and early childhood education. In this episode, Rina Irwin, CEO of Child Development Centers (CDC) in Erie, Pennsylvania, and Dr. Scott Cartwright, Director of Medical Services share about how they do things differently to lead a change in culture and mindset within the CDC.
This episode answers questions such as:
- How can we communicate in a way that builds and maintains trust?
- What can we do to change our culture?
- How can we build a task force to overcome barriers?
Featured Episode Resources
Creating the Best Executive Team
Executive leaders provide the strategic leadership for a team or organization. These leaders establish goals for the organization and ensure that strategies to reach the goals are executed with quality and fidelity. For the organization to be successful, all members of the executive team should possess the characteristics of high performing leaders.
Busting Through Barriers
Are people in departments hoarding information because they don’t see a need for others to know? Are you frustrated because no one seems to want to step up and change things? These experiences reflect an organization with departments and teams that have a siloed-thinking mindset. To bust through the existing barriers in an organization, enlist the help of a problem-solving barriers team.
It's All About Relationships
What’s your best relationship? What makes it the best? You probably thought of some common ground or common set of values, or the way you communicate with the other person. Perhaps the connection you have inspires you to share openly with each other, indicating a high level of trust. Trust is fundamental for a strong and lasting relationship.
Improvement & Innovation
When a team awakens to the real meaning and practice of a continuous improvement approach to make lasting change, team members begin to think about improvement possibilities differently. Getting away from initiative-centered thinking can be a challenge for organizations that may be accustomed to jumping from one episodic and silver bullet promise to the next.
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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions. We’ve also transformed our annual conference, usually held in Milwaukee, into an interactive broadcast that you can join for free from home.
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