Harwiring Excellence in Education book cover

Hardwiring Excellence in Education is about leadership.

“Hardwiring Excellence in Education shows how we can develop positive workplace cultures where teams feel empowered to solve problems rather than admire them. If your team is stuck in the ‘been there done that and it didn’t work’ loop, and they’re struggling to achieve results, Janet provides a practical path forward with this guide. The tools and tactics in this book build consistent leadership practices that help us serve others at high levels.”

Jon MaloneRegional Director and Chief Executive
Northwestern Illinois Association, IL

About the Author

Dr. Janet Pilcher, author of Hardwiring Excellence in Education - headshot

Dr. Janet Pilcher is the founder and executive leader of Studer Education. She has an extensive background advising educational institutions on strategic planning, leadership development, employee engagement and operational improvement. Janet and her team partner with education leaders to create learning organizations where people have purpose, do worthwhile work, and make a difference.

Hear Stories of Illinois Excellence on the Accelerate Your Performance Podcast

The Accelerate Your Performance podcast shares stories of excellent organizations, ground-breaking leaders and the practices behind their success. These episodes focus on Illinois organizations that used tactical actions to improve workplace culture.

EP 300: Recruit and Retain Excellent Teachers

Matt Renaud and Dr. Kyle Thompson, who both serve as Regional Superintendents for the Regional Offices of Education in Illinois, share the many ways they recruit and retain teachers in their districts.

Listen now —>  

servant leadership

EP 127: Vulnerability is at the Heart of Service Excellence 

Education leaders need the courage to take risks and have the vulnerability to accept failure. Jon Malone, Director and CEO of Northwestern Illinois Association, shares how modeling this behavior helps to deliver exceptional service in organizations.

Listen now —> 

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