How are we treating people?

Since March, we’ve all understandably felt more stressed at times. Research shows gratitude can help balance out the impacts of uncertainty on our wellbeing. In this episode, listen as Dr. Janet Pilcher shares ideas for how we can cultivate more gratitude on our teams after weathering a long year of living in a constant state of uncertainty.

This episode answers questions such as:

  • Why should we consider emotions and gratitude in the workplace?
  • How can we deliver feedback focused on growth?
  • What 4 things can we do in our interactions to cultivate gratitude?

Featured Episode Resources

Expressing Gratitude

There is an important difference between gratitude and recognition. Gratitude is nonjudgmental, while recognition highlights good performance in a specific way (Skinner, 2017). Both are necessary for a healthy workplace culture and the opportunity for employees to experience true engagement in the workplace.

Three Positives for Every One Constructive Feedback

Receiving feedback is an emotional experience. We are also emotionally invested in our work. The results of our time and energy are direct reflections of our skills and knowledge. When those are negatively critiqued, our brains experience a chemical reaction and release higher levels of cortisol.

Emotional Bank Account

Our emotional bank accounts are the trust we’ve earned through strong relationships with our employees and colleagues. Think of an emotional bank account just like you think of your financial bank account. If you are operating in the negatives, that is probably a bad sign. Deposits and withdrawals are made from emotional bank accounts during our daily conversations and interactions with each other.

Remembering to Be Grateful

Most of us are grateful for many things throughout the day. Most of us also forget to express that gratitude. In this coaching clip, we are reminded of the power of the calendar and strategies for routine recognition.

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The challenges of 2020 may keep us at a physical distance, but we are here with you and we have other ways for you to connect with your leadership community. Our listeners can engage with our coaches and expert guests every week at virtual roundtable discussions.

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