This week’s Five Quick Reads post shares recent Inc. articles focused on leadership and organizational improvement.


“Emotional intelligence is a key component to effective leadership” and this article lists ways to leverage it, 7 Ways You Can Unlock Your Hidden Emotional Intelligence.

Face criticism or resistance in your work or when leading change? Check out this article, 5 Best Quotes from Uber’s CEO on Staying Resilient to learn how Uber CEO Travis Kalanick keeps “his conviction in the face of criticism and resistance.”

The Ten Commandments of Leadership highlight the actions of successful leaders from planning (“Thou shalt create a workable plan”) to reward and recognition (“Thou shalt give thy team the credit”). Check it out for reinforcement of the actions to take to lead your team to success.

Joshua Conran says, “Don’t let your influencers just happen. Be the architect…” in 5 Lessons That Have Helped Me Become a Better Leader. This involves becoming “fully engaged” (Lesson #4) and shares characteristics of the other lessons he lists including “Absorb knowledge through books,” lessons which he learned from his influencers/mentors.

The tagline for 16 Motivational Quotes from Lesser-Known Entrepreneurs is “What does it take to start a company? Motivation is a key ingredient.” The quotes extend beyond starting a company—take #10 for instance:

“Wonder what your customer really wants? Ask. Don’t tell.” Lisa Stone, the co-founder and CEO of BlogHer. 

And, don’t forget to “Be undeniably good…” (#6) and “Think big… Be audacious.” (#13).

Quick Reads offers us an opportunity to share some of what we’re reading each week. This week’s highlights are from Inc. Make a connection? Let him know via Twitter at @quint_studer.


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Filed under: How to Lead… Tagged: @IncMagazine, Leadership, Leadership development, Professional Development, Quick Reads

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