This week’s Five Quick Reads post shares what Quint Studer, Founder of Studer Group, is reading and sharing. How do we know? He connects the article and the content to our work in the company, sharing the information via email to colleagues.
“How to Break into Your CEO’s Inner Circle” from Harvard Business Review shares tips which Quint says, “I feel anyone would appreciate.” Check it out here and discover some of the characteristics found in these top executives.
Forbes recently shared “What You Owe Your Employer – And What Your Employer Owes You,” a nice complement to Studer’s Great Employee Handbook. In addition to calls to action for employees and employers, the post describes “Healthy organizations are like swiss cheese, with pathways for communication running up, down and sideways through them.”
“How to knock out your 3 worst time management issues” begins by asking leaders, “Do you face this daily struggle?”
Author of the post Fabienne Raphael includes this Benjamin Franklin quote among a list of one sets himself/herself up to fail at time management. Read the post here.
“Everything You Need to Know About Becoming a Better Listener” from Harvard Business Review shares “best advice” on the art of listening from HBR‘s archives.
A final reading suggestion from Studer is one from edutopia titled “Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff” and connects our healthcare colleagues to the article by writing that it relates to helping create mindset in people and organizations. We agree! Check out some of the actions highlighted in the article that you and your colleagues may already be doing: Modeling, Building time for self-reflection… Read more here.
Quick Reads offers us an opportunity to share some of what we’re reading each week. This week’s highlights were received via email over the last month from Studer Group Founder Quint Studer. Make a connection? Let him know via Twitter at @quint_studer.
Our mission at Studer Education is to help education systems achieve measurable results that produce positive outcomes in student achievement, employee engagement, support services, and financial efficiencies and productivity. Our goal is to help school systems provide students with a great place to learn, teachers with a great place to teach, and parents with confidence that their children are getting a great education. Follow us on Twitter at @StuderEducation and visit us online at Studer Education is a division of Studer Group, ranked for the seventh straight year on the Best Small and Medium Workplaces by Great Place to Work® and a recipient of the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Filed under: How to Lead…, Our Partners Tagged: @quint_studer, @StuderGroup, Leadership, Leadership development, Professional Development, Quick Reads