In his May 2013 blog on senior leader rounding, Quint Studer promotes that the chief executive needs to “round” on senior leaders the same way she wants leaders to round on their direct reports. Effective leader rounding occurs when leaders personally connect with employees to 1) show care and concern for a person; 2) gather information to improve work processes; and 3) gather opportunities to reward and recognize people who have been helpful to others. A key action by leaders is “follow-up” – communicate ways processes have been improved to the entire organization and gain a double win by recognizing that someone else recognized an employee for being helpful.

Leadership Tip: As the chief executive personally connect with your direct reports by “rounding” on them. Expect your direct reports to “round” on their direct reports and so on. It cascades and you, as the chief executive, model the behavior you want others to exhibit.

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