Yesterday was an opportunity for educators across Florida and beyond to discuss, think about, and develop a strategy for teacher leadership. This was Florida’s Teacher Leader Summit! One educator participating, Valeria Brown, captured the day via Storify; check out Valeria’s Storify which includes the full day of tweets here.

When we connected earlier with Valeria to see if we could include her Storify, she responded like all great educators, “Please share! Thanks for doing that. The more people who know, the better…” We agree! Enjoy these highlights from Valeria’s Storify:

Focus for the Day


Why the need to change the conversation and why teacher leadership?


Call2ServiceCCall2Service Call2ServiceB



HowD How HowA HowB

Don’t forget… Collaboration!


What about challenges?


What about successes – what are they and where are they?

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Conversations like the ones captured in Valeria’s Storify—among high-achieving educators who are also leaders—reinforce and accelerate opportunities for making school districts great places for teachers to teach… and lead!


Special thanks to educator Valeria Brown for capturing the day using Storify; check out Valeria’s Storify which includes the full day of tweets. Follow Valeria on Twitter using @ValeriaBrownEdu.

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Filed under: How to Lead…, Who’s Engaged? Tagged: #flteachlead, @GatesEd, @ValeriaBrownEdu, Education, Teacher, teacher leadership

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