Thank you for joining us in Santa Rosa, CA for an inspiring look at continuous improvement processes at work. Learn more about our future events focused on culture and organizational excellence.
Sabrina Hebeler | Michigan State University – Infrastructure Planning & Facilities
Building Excellent Executive Teams
Natalie Harder | South Louisiana Community College
Everyday Excellence: It’s A Journey!
Lisa Herring | Birmingham City Schools
Look How Far We’ve Come (And How We Did It)
Donna Kirby | Pensacola Blue Wahoos
Customer Service and Why Service Excellence is Non-negotiable
Bonita Coleman | Ocean Springs School District
What We Learned in Year One of our Journey to Excellence
Resources You Heard About…
Performance Improvement
Continuous Improvement and Excellence
Strategic Planning
Customer and Employee Experience
Accelerate Your Peformance Podcast
When we/they occurs within an organization, we shut down the possibility of achieving a great culture. This episode focuses on tackling this subconscious behvior and eliminating toxic behaviours that eat away at culture.

The Accelerate Your Performance Podcast focuses on tactical actions to improve workplace culture. Dr. Janet Pilcher explores the practices and people behind top-performing organizations.
Performance Conversation Videos
Presentation Slides
A Framework for Organizational Excellence • Improvement: Vision to Strategy to Execution • The Journey Toward Excellence: What We Are Learning • Learning to Improve: Bright Spots and Scaling Success • Increasing Student Retention in Alternative Teacher Certification • Eye on The Customer: Service Excellence and Our Improvement Journey • Accelerating Our Accountability: Leader Evaluations That Work • Turning The Corner: Improving Results • What It Takes to Behave As An Improving System
Moving Complex Organizations From “Beginning” to “Maturing” • Rounding: Impact on Results • Journey to Everyday Excellence • Bullseye: Using Clear Targets in Our Improvement Process • Professional Conversations: Take A Tactic Or Two With You
Lead Change & Keep Your Team Engaged
If you’re need help building the momentum for excellence, try these 4 steps in From Hopeless to Champion from our 9P online platform:
Build Trust to Retain Good Employees
Employee retention was top of mind for presenters and attendees. To build trusting relationships that attract and make people want to stay, consider the 3 ways to build trust found in Trust: Consistency of Leadership or the 7 ways to Build a Bank Account of Trust.
Succession Planning Playbook
Accelerate Your Performance
Every Monday, Dr. Janet Pilcher discusses Nine Principles® practices for improving company culture, service, and results.

Every Monday, Dr. Janet Pilcher discusses Nine Principles® practices for improving company culture, service, and results.
Session Slides
A Framework for Organizational Excellence
Janet Pilcher | Studer Education
Everyday Excellence: It’s a Journey
Natalie Harder | South Louisiana Community College
Our Journey Toward Excellence And What We Learned
Deanna Ashby | Hopkins County School District
Organizational Culture of Continuous Improvement
Dale Shaver & Allison Bussler | Waukesha County Government
Building Excellent Executive Teams
Sabrina Hebeler | Michigan State University – Infrastructure Planning & Facilities
Leader Rounding: What Does It Take to Listen?
Brian Glatter & Carla Ortego | South Louisiana Community College
Look How Far We’ve Come And How We Did It
Lisa Herring | Birmingham City Schools
Learning into Action: A Reflection on What We Are Learning
KK Owen | Studer Education
Connecting the Dots
Janet Pilcher | Studer Education
What We Learned in Year One of Our Journey to Excellence
Bonita Coleman | Ocean Springs School District
Customer Service And Why Service Excellence Is Non-negotiable
Donna Kirby | Pensacola Blue Wahoos
Reinvesting Operational Cost Savings to Student Learning
Casey Blochowiak & Rick Fechter | School District of Menomonee Falls
Important Employee Connections: 30/90 Day & Performance Conversations
KK Owen | Studer Education
Improving Perceptions of the Quality of Life in Escambia County
Ruthie Christie | Pensacola Young Professionals
Click on each presenter below to read their bio.

Janet Pilcher

Karen “KK” Owen

Natalie Harder

Deanna Ashby

Casey Blochowiak

Sabrina Hebeler

Faith Vanderhorst

Dale Shaver

Allison Bussler

Bryan Glatter

Carla Ortego

Lisa Herring

Dan Woestman

Bonita Coleman

Donna Kirby