Sand Creek Zone-School District 49 Sets the Standard in Employee Engagement

Sand Creek Zone strives to provide quality education by developing tools and systems that allow their staff to focus on the people they serve. By adopting Huron Rounding, Sand Creek Zone improved their ability to connect often with staff and collect feedback to remove barriers and recognize colleagues who were making impact.

My admin team is absolutely AMAZING! They care about the welfare of our staff and students. They support the improvement of school performance and work to provide the resources and time that our staff needs to plan and implement quality instruction for our students.
-Sean Dorsey, former Superintendent of Sand Creek Zone


For Sand Creek Zone to maintain its better-than-average employee retention in the face of historic turnover rates, former superintendent Sean Dorsey knew that the district was going to have to find new ways to create authentic connections with staff. Mr. Dorsey believed that his staff must know they are valued to be at their best for the 4,000 students and families they serve.


To create a positive employee experience where all staff feel valued, leaders need to connect consistently and often. As a partner of Studer Education, Mr. Dorsey implemented the Leader Rounding practice, where leaders meet with members of their team to understand the employee’s perceptions about what’s working well, what opportunities they see for improvement, and who on the team should be recognized for going above and beyond.

Mr. Dorsey and his team were making progress, but quickly identified the need for better efficiency. Their Studer Education coach suggested they test Huron Rounding, a platform that enables organizations to document and track Leader Rounding feedback and follow-up easily and in a centralized place.

Sand Creek Zone implemented a successful system-wide rounding practice by:

  • Automating scheduling and reporting
  • Consistently collecting feedback
  • Recognizing and rewarding impact
  • District-wide reporting


2000+ Employees engaged in rounding sessions, resulting in stronger relationships and improvement based on input.

Culture Shift The consistent leader rounding practice increased overall employee engagement by automating the scheduling and reporting, identifying recognition and reward opportunities while also removing barriers.

Leadership Development Easily identified leaders who were surpassing expectations and those that needed more coaching.

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Interested in Huron Rounding?

Contact us to learn more about Huron’s Rounding tool, designed to help you scale your rounding practice to reach more groups, improve leader capacity, and track rounding outcomes all in one place.

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