Campbell Union School District:
Changing the System to Work for the Student

How Campbell Union School District successfully prepared their school district for new challenges and an influx of younger students.

Leaders and teachers in the Campbell Union School District (CUSD) noticed a significant rise in younger students lacking school readiness skills. This led to classroom disruptions and left staff feeling unprepared to meet these students’ academic and emotional needs. Immediate action was needed to prevent the achievement gap from widening.


After the pandemic, educators noticed a decline in students’ school readiness, causing staff frustration, unmet social-emotional needs, and concerns about low academic achievement. Superintendent Dr. Shelly Viramontez recognized the urgent need for change to address these growing issues.

District leaders prioritized better preparation for incoming students by starting readiness programs at age 4 instead of 5. Campbell Union School District, in collaboration with Studer Education, expanded the Leading Classroom Improvement (LCI) approach for younger students.

To meet student needs, educators required training and a teaching strategy for over 90 teachers and staff. Additionally, the enrollment process and systems at multiple schools needed adjustment. All changes were designed to be streamlined and replicable for future students.

It’s not about the student being ready. It’s about our system being ready for the student.
-Dr. Shelly Viramontez, Superintendent


Superintendent Viramontez ensured her leadership team was prepared to address the pandemic’s impact on incoming students by gathering feedback, identifying readiness gaps, and planning necessary system changes and additional staff training. District leaders recognized the commitment required for effective change and involved families in the feedback and process updates.

 • Using Family/Caregiver Input to Make Impactful Decisions
 • Engaging the Community in Change

Solutions Implemented

How Campbell Union School District successfully prepared their school district for new challenges and an influx of younger students.

Organizational Excellence Coaching
Strategic Planning
Timeline Development
Communications and Feedback Tools
Data Tracking and Results Provision

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